Monday, July 6, 2009

Blonde Moment + Ultra Sound= Painful Ending!!

Ok so I had a second Ultra Sound done today! While Drinking my 5, 80z of water again today before the ultra sound I realized what I had done wrong last time!!!! Last time I drank all my water out of water bottles I had in the fridge! On the bottle it had 16.9 FL OZ (1 PT, .9 FL OZ). So me being all smart decided that each water bottle had .9 FL OZ. of water in it! So i drank 5-6 water bottles! That ultra sound was soooo painful! I wanted to cry, but maybe that is because I drank somewhere around 84.4 oZ of water right before when I was only supposed to drink somewhere around 40! So this time I caught on to that while I was drinking the first bottle and this time I only drank 3 bottles of water and the ultra sound was a 100% better! My heck, you wouldn't think my blondness would cause pain :) The ultra sound was really neat this time, We got to see the baby, and see the heart beat, which was so amazing. My due date switched to Feb. 18th!!!