Friday, September 28, 2012


So I thought I fixed this pic the right way but apparently I didn't!! We tried again and now we are having a SWEET baby BOY!!! Due Feb 13 (kenadie was due feb 14th) They will  have very close bdays! This little man has been a hard pregnancy! After 7 weeks I had some problems and ended up on mild bed rest for almost the whole first half of the pregnancy! That was hard! And I was so sick, but luckily only the first 4 months! Now I'm just super duper TIRED and feeling prego already!  After having Kenadie I didn't realize how easy her pregnancy was until this. Hopefully this little one stays healthy so we can meet him in 20 more weeks :)

4th of July

4th of July was fun this year! Lane actually got to be home and enjoy it with K! Sadly not for the 24th but I'll take one of the holidays anyday!

Showing her cotton candy (gummy gum) and her frogs from the carnival!


This year for Easter Kenadie and I headed to Escalante to see all her cousins! She had so much fun! Shes really starting to enjoy the holidays!


2012 has been a bit of a rough year for us! It just seems to keep having its downs! A big one this year was misscarrying our sweet baby at 12 weeks. I just wanted to never forget this as it is still a struggle!
March 22, 2012


Poor kenadie had a really rough winter! She takes after her mama and has pretty bad asthma and allergies. We were in the dr almost everyother week. Finally We went for ear tubes and they helped ALOT! Kenadie was such a trooper, and its such a simple procedure now! Sure was sad to have them take her away from me though! Good thing it was for such a short amount of time! Also we finally took her to the allergist! She does steroid breathing treatments everyday and take zyrtec every night! Hopefully this is getting her lungs stronger and prepping us for a much better winter to come!

Kenadies 2 year pics