Wow, my little girl is 2 months now! And she is changing soo fast! She just keeps getting funner and funner. She is smileing so much now, and trying so hard to talk back to us. Her legs and arms are moving a hundred miles an hour and toys are very interesting to her. She is keeping herself busy for sometimes 15-20 minuters at a time while I get stuff done. And the most wonderful news is she is now sleeping at night alot. Sometimes she will get up once, and sometimes she won't even wake up till five thirty or six! ITs wonderful! Lets just hope it lasts :) Next week we have to get her in for her 2 month shots which I am so not looking forward to! Were a little late, but oh well!
As for Lane and I, we are doing great! He is keeping busy working of course and I am very busy taking care of Kenadie and Everything else that has to get done! I am missing doing nails so much, but I can't imagine leaving Keandie yet, so I would much rather just stay at home with her! Hope everyone is doing good, and hopefully Summer gets here fast :)