SO I do have pics for this month, but I will just have to add them later today! Kenadie is a whoping 10 months. Double Digits. WOW! She is soo much fun, and soo much work ;) She is into everything and putting everything in her mouth! She was successful with trying dog food before I could get to her, and she didn't mind it at all. She dances, has a very silly laugh, clicks her tongue all the time to make the noise, climbing and standing on everything, loves peek a boo again! Thinks her dad is just soo funny, and has learned how to take toys away from other babies! Her face is absoloutly priceless when the baby takes the toy back! The word "No" has been used lots this past month, but she still thinks she can't understand it ;) We have my little nephew over during the week while his mom works, and he is a big time binki baby! Well Kenadie now thinks she needs one, but only when hes there. She doesn't need it for comfort she just likes to crawl around with one in her mouth and play with it. If i don't give her one she is constantly pulling Dylans out of his mouth, so yes I am feeding her another habit! At least she doesn't really care for it when hes not around. I think she is teething again, because she is chewing on everything once again! Her blanket, my nail files, Anything with a rough surface! SHe is so much fun, but I am so not look forward to when she walks, She will be much faster than what she already is!
Last night she got to experince Santa for the first time, and well she hated him! All we did was walk by him in the back of the resturant and she screamed. Then later when I took her to sit on his lap...well lets just say the picture wasn't so "precious"!! We tried a couple more times through out the night and it never changed. Infact she kept an eye on him ( he was behind us, so very obvious) all night to make sure he kept his distance! She wouldn't ever take the candy cane from him. It sat on the table in front of her for over an hour before she would grab and suck on it! Which we all know is amazing because Anything thats in reach of a 10 month old gets touched, eaten or thrown!
We are still In Escalante trying to figure out what our next step is. We are going through the process of possibly buying a house in Monroe still, but we aren't getting our hopes up to much because you never know what could happen at this point. Christmas is so close, and I LOVE this time of year. Hope everyones doing good and has a great Christmas!!