Sunday, October 24, 2010

8 Months

This post is a little late but we have been crazy busy this last month. My sweet little girl is 8 months. So big, she was sick this month so we took her in and her weight was just over 19 lbs. Once again she was in her 80th percentile! Just perfect! Her personality is soo much fun. She is crazy. She LOVES to grunt, and that is now what she is known for. Whenever she is concentrating or playing with her toys she just sits and grunts, its so funny. She wants to crawl so bad but its just not quite there. She can go backwards but not forwards. She is up on her knees finally but just gets frustrated and does a face dive onto the floor. I'm so glad that she is just now learning to crawl because she is into everything and everything is in her mouth, so its going to be chaos when she is completly mobile! She finally got two bottom teeth and she has her two top ones getting ready to cut through. The bottom teeth didn't bother her nearly as much as these top ones are. Poor girl they are really hurting her. She hardly eats during the day, its like she is just too busy and doesn't have time to, but at night she is up liek 3 times a night and wants to eat 6 oz. each time. During the day its a fight to give her food or more than 2 bottles, no more than 5 oz. She is such a stinker. I"m so proud I just taught her how to clap and it is so cute, also giving kisses, but she likes to give open mouth kisses ;) We are working on bye bye, blowing kisses and celebrating with her hands in the air. I could go on and on with this little girl, she is the light of my life, and I am so lucky to have her!
ALso Lane and I finally moved from Moab. We are currently living with my mom until we decided what we are doing. Lane is no longer working for Wadsworth but in now with AGI working on the new Dam here in Escalante. We will probably be in Escalante for a little while but not really sure because this field of work that Lane does keeps on moving. All I can say is that I am DONE moving for a long time, so hopefully we have a plan soon. Other than that not alot is happening. I'm excited for the winter to come and soo excited for the holidays to come!!

1 comment:

Allen Family said...

Oh yay! I'm so happy to see her again! She is the cutest! Great photos! Ok, Mel-- you sent the cutest package to my girls! Birdy was just crazy about it. That was so thoughtful. I really can't believe you did that. Thanks so much for thinking of us. Sometimes, it feels really far away out here! Did you make those bows by the way? Absolutely darling! So, you're back in Esky? How nice to be with your mom. That's awesome. You'll have to keep me posted about where you're headed next. Moving stinks, I know. It's hard feeling unsettled. Hang in there. Something will work out. I wish we could see you guys. I miss you, Mel. Love you to infinity and beyond-- Jes