Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Exciting News!!!!

Ok so if you didn't understand the post before, We are having a baby!!! We are not very far along at all but were too excited to hold it in! Today I went and had an ultra sound done (by the way how come nobody told me about how much fun they are :( when I say fun i acutally mean painful on the bladder) to see how far exactly we are! Well it didn't quite do a whole lot of good but show us that yes there is a baby in there but we are only maybe 4-5 weeks along! The due date is somewhere around February 22nd! A long ways away!! We are thrilled and hope everything goes well, even though we told so early in the pregnancy so cross you fingers for us that is does!!!


Zach, Roby, and Carson said...

How can you NOT tell everyone your exciting news!!! Im so happy for both of you. Both of you will be such great parents. It is such a life changing experience and I wouldn't change it for anything. Good luck waiting the first 20-25 weeks of pregnancy anxiously awaiting to see what the sex of your baby is!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! That's awesome!

Cole and Amy said...

That's so neat, congratulations. I don't think I'd be able to keep in good news like that either.

The Roundy Clan said...

Congrats!! Britt got the whole bun in the oven thing but it went right over my head.

I am so excited for you guys.

The Burnetts said...

Congrats! That is so exciting!