Friday, May 21, 2010

Macy May and Bumbo Chair!!!

We got the Bumbo Chair last week,and Kenadie LOVES it. she can sit up and see what everyone is doing and she can sit and watch me cook, there fore I love it :) We also have Lanes Cousins dog staying with us because the dog can't stay at the wadsworth house! She is a 7 month old mini austrailan sheperd, and she is very cute!! Her and Tigg are best friends , which works out perfect because Tig was so lonely and we just are not ready to get another dog yet!


loriallen said...

That is so awesomely cute:) It's sweet that she can look around at everything that's going on! I bet she is amused by the dogs playing!

Allen Family said...

ooo yah! LOVE the Bumbo! We had one for Oaks and she loved it. It's just so convenient. I ended up taking it everywhere--ballgames, meetings, the park etc. etc. It was awesome! She looks so cute in it too! loves, Jes